(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Tuesday 12/05/2017

Skills 6 sets of: 10 dragon flags :20 plank in rings 10 ring push ups 10 feet-elevated ring rows Metcon Sport: AMRAP 8:00 5 deadlifts 155/105 5 ring dips 5 burpees Life: AMRAP 8:00 5 deadlifts 135/95 5 ring push ups 5 burpees Fundamentals: AMRAP 8:00 5 deadlifts 5...

Monday 12/04/2017

Skills 2×3 Tall jerk (on toes, bar at forehead height) 2×3 Press in split Strength Split Jerk Sport/Life: 5×2 @ 75-80% of 1RM C&J Fundamentals: 5×2 same weight across all sets Metcon Sport: On a 10:00 clock, ascending ladder of: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7…...

Friday 12/01/2017

Strength Split Jerk w/ pause in split + Split Jerk Sport: 4×2+2 @ 65-70% of 1RM CJ Life: 4×2+2@ 60-65% of 1RM CJ Fundamentals: 4×2+2 – same weight across all sets Metcon Sport: For time: 50 pull ups 40 push press 115/75 30 front squats 115/75 20...

Thursday 11/30/2017

Interval Training ​On a 40:00 clock: Min 0-10: E2MOM for 5 sets 2 clean + 1 push jerk Min: 14-24 Amrap 10 20 balls slams 30/20 20 toes to bar 20 alt db snatch 53/35 Min: 28-40 EMOM for 12 mins. Even min.: 250/200m row Odd min.: 8-12 burpees over...

Wednesday 11/29/2017

Skills 3 sets: 10 front foot-elevated split squats (10L/10R) – unloaded 5 jump squats – highest possible w/ each jump 10 Cossack squats – weighted if possible; light Strength Paused Front Squat (3-sec pause at the bottom) Sport: 5×3 @ 65% Life:...

Tuesday 11/28/2017

Skills 5 sets of: 6 kip swings + 6 kipping pull ups :20 hollow body hold 3 wall walks :10 L-hold in ring support Metcon Sport: For time: 10 rounds of “Cindy” 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats *Wear 20# vest or body armor if available Life: For time: 10 rounds of...