(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Tuesday 12/12/2017

Skills 7 sets of: 2 wall walks 4 ring pull ups 8 V-ups :10 hollow body hold Metcon Sport: 4 rounds for time of: 5 muscle ups – ring or bar 50 double unders Life: 4 rounds for time of: 5 jumping muscle ups – ring or bar 50 double unders / 100 single unders...


BoomBox North – WeightliftingHang Power Clean (knee) + Hang Clean (knee) + CleanWork to HS (1+1+1), 90% of HS (1+1+1), 95% of HS (1+1+1)Floating Clean DeadliftWork to Heavy 5, then 90% 5x2Good MorningModerate Weight 3×10

Monday 12/11/2017

Skills 2×3 muscle clean from high hang 2×3 tall clean (on toes) Strength Clean Sport/Life: 2-2-2-2-2-2 – building to a heavy double Fundamentals: 6×2 – same weight across all sets Metcon Sport: 5 rounds for time of: 7 hang cleans 155/105 14...

Friday 12/08/2017

Strength Push Press Sport: Work up to a 5RM for the day, then perform 2×5 @ 90% of 5RM Life: Work up to a 5RM for the day, then perform 2×5 @ 85% of 5RM Fundamentals: 5×5 – same weight across all sets Metcon Sport: For time: 100 double unders 20...

Thursday 12/07/2017

Interval Training On a 40:00 clock Min 0-14:00 (7 sets) E2MOM 3 position power snatch (high hang, hang, floor) Min 16-26:00 2 rounds 20 American swings 70/53 20 hang power clean 95/65 50 wall balls 20/14 20 hang power cleans Min 28-40:00 E4MOM (for 3 sets) Run 400m +...

Wednesday 12/06/2017

Skills 3 sets: 12 banded clam shells (12L/12R) 8 tempo goblet squats (5 down / 3 pause / explode up) 10 front foot elevated split squats (10L/10R) – no load Strength Paused Front Squat (3 sec pause) Sport: 2×3 @ 65%; 3×3 @ 70% Life: 2×3 @ 60%;...