(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Thursday 12/21/2017

Strongman/Odd Object 4 sets of: 100m double KB front rack carry – heaviest possible -Superset with- 100ft. sled sprint – use load that allows for a true sprint Metcon Sport: On a 12:00 clock, ascending ladder of: 2-4-6-8-10… Power snatch 95/65 *100m burden...

Wednesday 12/20/2017

Skills 3 sets: 10 front-foot elevated split squat (10L/10R) – unloaded 10 Cossack squats – loaded if possible; light :15 hang from bar in hollow Strength Pause Front Squat + Front Squat 3 second pause at bottom of squat Sport: 1+2 – work up to a max,...

Tuesday 12/19/2017

Skills 4 sets of: 10m handstand walk / 3 wall walks :20 L-hold on parallettes 8-10 ring pull ups :15 hip extension hold on GHD or partner-spotted on bench Metcon Sport: 3 rounds for time of: 10 deadlifts 275/185 200m run 10m handstand walk Life: 3 rounds for time of:...

Monday 12/18/2017

Skills 2×1 3-position muscle snatch (mid-shin/knee/high hang) 2×3 drop snatch (no dip-drive) Strength Snatch Sport/Life: Every 2:00 for 20:00 2 snatches – starting at 60%, ascending weight with each set. Fundamentals: Power snatch + OHS 8×2...


BoomBox North – WeightliftingSnatch from Power Position Work to Heavy 3, then 90%x3, then 95%x3Sumo DeadliftWork to 8RM, then 90%x2x8Single-Leg Deadlift(reps/leg, moderate weight) – 3x6GHD Back Extension with DB row3x15