(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Wednesday 01/03/2018

BoomBox Crossfit, BoomBox North – CrossFitMovement PrepWarm-up (No Measure)3 sets: -10 front-foot elevated split squat (10L/10R) – unloaded -8 tempo plate front squats (arms extended) 5 down / 3 pause / explode up -5 squat-to-vertical jump – jump...

Tuesday 01/02/2018

BoomBox Crossfit, BoomBox North – CrossFitSkillsWarm-up (No Measure)4 sets, for quality of: 2 rope climbs (Sport tier: legless) 8 strict TTB 10 ring dips 12 alternating DB/KB snatch (12 total reps) – heaviest possibleMetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and...

Friday 12/29/2017

BoomBox Crossfit, BoomBox North – CrossFitStrengthPower Clean + Hang Power Clean*Focus on cycling each rep as quickly and smoothly as possible. Sport: 10×1+2 EMOM @ 65% Life: 10×1+2 EMOM @ 60% Fundamentals: 10 x1+2 EMOM – choose load;...

Wednesday 12/27/2017

BoomBox Crossfit, BoomBox North – CrossFitStrengthSnatch Push PressSport: 5RM then 2×5 @ 90% of 5RM Life: 5RM then 2×5 @ 85% of 5RM Fundamentals: 5×5 – same weight across all setsMetconMetcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)Sport:...

Tuesday 12/26/2017

Skills Every 3:00 for 9:00 6 CTB pull ups / jumping CTB pull ups 8 goblet squats – choose load 25 double unders / 10 DU attempts Strength Back Squat Sport: EMOM 10:00 2 back squats @ 60% + 4 strict ring dips Life: EMOM 10:00 2 back squats @ 60% + 4 parallette...

Friday 12/22/2017

Strength Push Press + Push Jerk Sport: 2+1 – Work up to a max for the day, then perform 2×2+1 @ 90% of max Life: 2+1 – Work up to a max for the day, then perform 2×2+1 @ 85% of max Fundamentals: 8×2+1 – same weight across all sets...