(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Thursday 01/11/2018

BoomBox Crossfit, BoomBox North – CrossFitMel’s MadnessWarm-up (No Measure)On a 40:00 clock Min 0-12 Every :90 3 position power clean (high hang, hang, floor) Min 15-40: Min 1: 10 OHS(choose load) Min 2: 10-15 T2B Min 3: 20 Russian kB swings Min 4: 40...

Wednesday 01/10/2018

Interval Training 12 sets of :30 hard effort / :30 easy effort of: ME calorie row / Assault bike / 10m shuttle run Strength Front Squat Every 1:30 for 12:00 Sport/Life: 2 front squats; increase load with each set, building to a heavy double Fundamentals: 2 front...

Tuesday 01/09/2018

Skills 3 sets, for quality of: 10 single-arm DB Z press (10L/10R) – choose load 15 V-ups 25 unbroken double unders / 10 double under attempts Metcon Sport: AMRAP 20:00 400m run 12 HSPU 10 front squats 135/95 Life: AMRAP 20:00 400m run 12 HSPU / 12 pike push ups...

Tuesday Barbell

BoomBox North – WeightliftingWarm-up (No Measure)Warm Up: Junkyard DogSkill5 Rounds for Quality: -1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats -Reset -1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats -Reset -1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat -Reset -1 Clean *Rest 2 min between roundsAccessory...

Monday 01/08/2018

Skills EMOM 12:00 E: 12 calorie row / AB cals / 10m shuttle sprints O: 6/8/10 unbroken CTB pull ups / pull ups/ jumping pull ups* *Choose a rep scheme and variation that will allow you to go unbroken all rounds Strength Every 2:00 for 10:00 6 barbell walking lunge...

Friday 01/05/2018

BoomBox Crossfit, BoomBox North – CrossFitStrengthBehind The Neck JerkSport: Work up to a heavy single, then 3×1 @ 90% of heavy single Life: Work up to a heavy single, then 3×1 @ 85% of heavy single Fundamentals: 10×1 – same weight...