(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Tuesday 08/01/2017

Skills 2×2+2+2 Snatch deadlift to power position + muscle snatch from high hang + OHS 2×3 snatch Sotts press Strength 3 Position Snatch (5×1+1+1 @ 75-80) 1 from high Hang 1 from mid thigh 1 from the floor Sport: 5×1+1+1 @ 75-80% Life: 5×1+1+1...

Monday 07/31/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 8 tempo goblet squats (5 seconds down / 1 second pause / 5 seconds up) 15 hollow rocks 5 seated box jumps (seat height below parallel) – tallest possible Strength Pause Front Squat + Front Squat 3 second pause at bottom of squat Sport: 15:00 to...

Friday 07/28/2017

Skills 2×2+2 muscle snatch from power position + OHS w/ 3-second pause at bottom 2×3 snatch Sotts press Strength Power Snatch + Hang Snatch *High hang Sport: 1+1 building to a heavy single for the day Life: 1+1 building to a heavy single for the day...

Thursday 07/27/2017

Accessory Work 4 sets of: 10 alternating barbell front rack step ups (10 total) – choose load *Choose step-up height that places athlete’s thigh directly parallel to floor :20 weighted hang in hollow body w/ med ball 12-15 deficit KB Romanian deadlifts –...

Wednesday 07/26/2017

Strength 4 sets of: 2 rope climbs (“Sport” tier work on legless rope climbs, “Life” and “Fundamentals” modify as needed) 10 strict ring dips 1 ME L-sit hold Metcon Sport EMOM 18:00 alternating: Min. 1: 8 deadlifts @ 60-65% of 1RM Min. 2: :20 ME Assault Bike or calorie...

Tuesday 07/25/2017

Skills 3×1+1+1 strict press + push press + split jerk w/ 3-second pause in split 2×3 press in split Strength Push Press + Split Jerk w/ 3-second pause in split Sport: 2+1 building to a heavy single for the day Life: 2+1 building to a heavy single for the day...