(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Wednesday 08/09/2017

Strength 3 sets of: 10-12 dragon flags 8-10 seated DB/KB press 8-10 feet-elevated ring rows Metcon Sport For time: 2 rounds of: 15 ball slams 12 KB swings 70/53 Then; 800m run Then; 2 rounds of: 15 ball slams 12 KB swings 70/53 Life For time: 2 rounds of: 15 ball...

Tuesday 08/08/2017

Skills Muscle clean from power position 2×3 Push press w/ pause in dip + push press 2×2+2 Strength Power Clean + Push Press Sport: 10:00 to work up to a heavy single, then perform 3×1 @ 90% of heavy single Life: 10:00 to work up to a heavy single, then...

Monday 08/07/3027

Skills 5:00 movement review: overhead squat Then, 3 sets of: 8 single-arm KB/DB press in lunge position (8L/8R) 10 hollow rocks 8 plate front squats Strength Overhead Squat Sport: 4×5 @ 65-70% of 1RM snatch Life: 4×5 @ 60-65% of 1RM snatch Fundamentals:...

Friday 08/04/2017

WODIFY WODHeaderId+3949428 –> Skills 2×2+2 muscle clean from power position + tempo front squat (5 seconds down) 2×2+2 tall jerk (on toes) + press in split Strength High Hang Clean + Split Jerk Sport/Life: 1+1 build to heavy single for the day...

Thursday 08/03/2017

Accessory Work 3 sets of: 10 barbell back step lunge (5L/5R) – heaviest possible 12/10/8 standing single-arm DB/KB press – ascending weight with each set* 10m seal crawl 8 strict TTB *Set 1 12 reps / Set 2 10 reps / Set 3 8 reps Strongman/Odd Object 4 sets...

Wednesday 08/02/2017

Strength 4 sets of: 12-15 GHD sit ups or weighted sit ups 5-8 strict pull ups – weighted if possible 8-10 neutral grip DB/KB bench press Metcon Sport 3 sets of AMRAP 4:00 / Rest 1:00 3 power cleans 135/95 6 hand-release push ups 9 Russian KB swings 70/53 Life 3...