(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Friday 08/25/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 8-10 plyo push ups (hands go onto #10 bumper plates) 12-15 seated band row 10-12 lateral raises – light; use change plates or light DBs Strength Bench Press w/ 1-sec. pause on chest Sport: 4×4 @ 75-80% Life: 4×5 @ 70-75% Fundamentals:...

Thursday 08/24/2017

BoomBox Crossfit, BoomBox North – CrossFitIn Memory of Alden Salcedo #salcedostrong A leader of leaders just like our father: US NAVAL ACADEMY GRADUATE, Retired USN Commander, master Entrepreneur, multiple business owner, college professor, father, son, husband...

Wednesday 08/23/2017

Strength 3 sets of: 10-12 single arm DB/KB press – heaviest possible 15-20 Russian med ball twists 10-12 hip extension on GHD or partner spotted on bench – plate on back if possible :15 ring support or box support hold Metcon Sport/Life/Fundamentals: 400m...

Tuesday 08/22/2017

Skills 3-stop clean deadlift (1” off floor / knee / power position) 2×3 Tall clean (on toes) 2×3 Strength 3 Position Clean (floor / knee / high hang) Sport: 6×1+1+1 @ 75-80% of 1RM clean Life: 6×1+1+1 @ 70-75% of 1RM clean Fundamentals:...

Monday 08/21/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 10 Bulgarian split squats (10L/10R) – light or unloaded :25 hollow body hold 10 PVC or barbell duck walk steps Strength Overhead Squat Sport: 4×3 @ 80-85% of 1RM snatch Life: 4×4 @ 75-80% of 1RM snatch Fundamentals: 4×5 –...

Friday 08/18/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 10 bent-over rear delt flyes – use light DBs or change plates 10 feet-elevated ring rows :30 plank hold (arms fully extended) Strength Bench Press w/ 1-sec. pause on chest Sport: 4×5 @ 70-75% Life: 4×5 @ 65-70% Fundamentals: 4×5...