(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Monday 09/04/2017

Metcon Hotshots 19 6 Rounds for time of: 30 Squats 19 Power Cleans, 135# / 95# 7 Strict Pull-ups 400m Run

Friday 09/01/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 15 band tricep push down 10 push ups 10 feet-elevated ring rows Strength Bench Press (3RM) w/ 1-sec. pause on chest Sport: 3RM Life: 3RM Fundamentals: 5×3 – same weight across all sets Metcon Sport 4 sets of AMRAP 4:00 / Rest 1:00 6...

Thursday 08/31/2017

Skills 5:00 of coach-led rope climb practice Then; EMOM 5:00 2 rope climbs or 2 modified rope climbs Strongman/Odd Object 4 sets of: 100m walking sled pull – heaviest possible -Superset with- 100m plate pinch carry – heaviest possible -Superset with- :15...

Wednesday 08/30/2017

Strength 4 sets of: 8-10 Pendlay row – heaviest possible 10-12 dragon flags 12-15 double KB Romanian deadlifts Metcon Sport: For time: 40 burpees 40 CTB pull ups 40 ring dips 40 burpees Life: For time: 40 burpees 40 pull ups 40 ring push ups 40 burpees...

Tuesday 08/29/2017

Skills Tall jerk (on toes) 2×3 Split jerk with a pause in dip + press in split 2×2+2 Strength Split Jerk from Rack (2RM then 3×2 @ 90% of 2RM) Sport: 2RM then 3×2 @ 90% of 2RM Life: 2RM then 3×2 @ 85% of 2RM Fundamentals: 6×2 – same...

Monday 08/28/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 10 plate front squats + 5 plate press overhead at bottom of squat 10 hollow log rolls 8 half-kneeling bottoms up KB press – light Strength Overhead Squat (1RM) Sport: 1×3 @ 75%; 1×3 @ 80%; 1×2 @ 85%; 1×1 @ 90%; continue on...