(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Wednesday 09/20/2017

Strength 4 sets of: 10-12 feet elevated ring rows 8-10 DB/KB seated press 10-12 weighted hip extensions on GHD or partner-spotted on bench 10-12 med ball V-ups Metcon Sport: AMRAP 12:00 6 HSPU 8 thrusters 95/65 10 box jumps 24”/20” Life: AMRAP 12:00 6 HSPU or modified...

Tuesday 09/19/2017

Skills Muscle snatch from below knee 2×3 Tall snatch (on toes) 2×3 Strength Hang Snatch (below knee) Sport: 6×2 @ 75-80% of 1RM snatch Life: 6×2 @ 70-75% of 1RM snatch Fundamentals: 6×2 – same weight across all sets Metcon Sport: For...

Monday 09/18/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 8 tempo plate front squats (5 down / 1 pause / 5 up) 15 band good mornings 5 air squat to box jump 24”/20” Strength Back Squat Sport: 1×5 @ 80%; 3×3 @ 85% Life: 1×5 @ 75%; 3×5 @ 80% Fundamentals: 4×5 – same weight...

Friday 09/15/2017

Skills Power snatch from power position + OHS 2×3(1+1) Snatch drop (no dip-drive) 2×3 Strength Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch Balance Sport: 8×1+1+1 @ 70-75% of 1RM snatch Life: 8×1+1+1 @ 65-70% of 1RM snatch Fundamentals: 8×1+1+1 – same...

Thursday 09/14/2017

Strength 3 sets of: 8-10 close grip bench press (hands just outside of smooth) 10-12 feet-elevated ring rows 10-12 dragon flags 8-10 Cossack squats with KB – heaviest possible Sprint Intervals EMOM 12:00 alternating: E: :40 on / :20 off row/Assault Bike/10m...

Wednesday 09/13/2017

Strength 4 sets of: 5-8 strict pull ups – weighted if possible 10-12 single-leg KB deadlifts 10-12 barbell roll outs 2-4 wall walks Metcon Sport: 5 rounds for time of: 8 deficit HSPU 45/25 10 CTB pull ups 12 alternating pistols Life: 5 rounds for time of: 8 HSPU...