(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com

Saturday 10/14/2017

BoomBox Crossfit – WeightliftingWeightliftingSnatch (Heavy Single)Clean and Jerk (Heavy Single)Front Squat (Heavy Single)

Friday 10/13/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 10 Bulgarian split squats (10L/10R) – unloaded Band Walk Complex (10m forward / backwards / lateral walk left / lateral walk right) 10 plate front squats (hold plate out in front w/ extended arms) Strength Front Squat Sport: 3×3 @ 75%;...

Thursday 10/12/2017

Skills 5 sets of: 100ft. sled sprint – use load light enough to allow for sprint pace 5 hurdle jumps (set hurdles in a row) – tallest possible Sprint Intervals EMOM 15:00 Min. 1: 10 air squats + 10 box jumps Min. 2: 10 jumping lunges + 10 Abmat situps Min....

Wednesday 10/11/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 10 single-arm Z press with KB (10L/10R) – light 15 standing band row 20 alternating shoulder taps in plank Strength Bench Press Sport:1×7 @ 70%; 1×5 @ 75%; 2×5 @ 80% Life: 1×7 @ 65%; 1×5 @ 70% ; 2×5 @ 75%...

Tuesday 10/10/2017

Skills 4 sets of: :30 plank on rings 10 ring push ups 1 ME L-sit hold on parallettes Metcon Sport: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Ball slam KB swing 53/35 Life: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Ball slam KB swings 44/26 Fundamentals: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Ball slam Russian KB swings – choose...

Monday 10/09/2017

Skills 3 sets of: 20 bodyweight glute bridges 10 single-leg KB deadlift (10L/10R) – light 10 hip extension on GHD or partner-spotted on bench Strength Deadlift Sport: 2×5 @ 75%; 1×5 @ 80% ; 2×3 @ 85 % of 1RM deadlift Life: 2×5 @ 70%; 1×5...