BoomBox Crossfit, BoomBox North – CrossFit
Movement Prep
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 sets:
-10 front-foot elevated split squat (10L/10R) – unloaded
-8 tempo plate front squats (arms extended) 5 down / 3 pause / explode up
-5 squat-to-vertical jump – jump vertically for max height, from bottom of squat
Pause Back Squat (2-second pause in hole)
Sport: 3RM then 2×3 @ 90% of 3RM
Life: 3RM then 2×3 @ 85% of 3RM
Fundamentals: 5×3 – same weight across all sets
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time of:
60 double unders
20 thrusters 75/55
3 rounds for time of:
60 double unders / 120 single unders
20 thrusters 65/45
3 rounds for time of:
120 single unders
20 thrusters – choose load