(951) 850-3742 Eric.Boombox1@gmail.com


3 sets of:
10 Paloff press (10L / 10R)
12 seated (on floor) partner med ball pass
12 supinated grip bent over barbell row – light/empty bar


Bench Press

Sport:2×7 @ 65%; 2×5 @ 70%
Life: 2×7 @ 60%; 2×5 @ 65%
Fundamentals: 4×7 – same weight across all sets


On a 12:00 clock:
30 HSPU buy-in then in remaining time, AMRAP of;
10 push press 115/75
30 double unders

On a 12:00 clock:
30 HSPU* buy-in then in remaining time, AMRAP of;
10 push press 95/65
30 double unders*
*Scale HSPU and double unders to preserve stimulus as best as possible

On a 12:00 clock:
8 wall walk buy-in then in remaining time, AMRAP of;
10 push press – choose load
60 single unders