Awesome job to all our competitors over the weekend! What a show of the Triple Threat: Commitment, Community and Camaraderie ! I couldn’t be more proud of each of you.
Barbell Training
3×5 back squat AHAP; Rest 3:00 between sets.
8×2 back squat @ 72.5% of 1RM; EMOM
A. 1000 meter row for time
Rest 1:00 then;
B. 3 rounds for time of:
20 wall balls
50 double unders
*Goal is UNBROKEN on all movements for 3 rounds.
Strength @72.5% #120
Good job Natalie! Thanks for pairing up!
I need to make some rope changes. Same as last week. Frustrating as ever!
Wb #15 (all rounds unbroken except 1 break in round 2)
Tomorrow’s a new day. Gonna push beyond my limits this week.
Thanks for the help Melissa & Jess. You’re so great!!
Great job Lindsey !
95# strength
rowing 1000 4:16
12# wallballs
su’s !!!! I can do Du’s only occasionally–whats up with that?
Practice , practice ,practice Arrgghhh!!!
Strength advanced – 177
WOD 3:55/15:15
Strength: 75#, working my way back up, but knee is holding up well!
Wod: 12# wall ball and 150 single unders
4:26 row
15:03 total
You got this Lindz! Find that rope and you’ll get your groove back! Great job 9:15 and thanks for the muffin Jackie! Yummy 🙂
Strength: 8×2 EMOM BAKSQUAT @ 145#
Row: 4:24
Total time: 13:44
Thanks Lindsey! Love pairing up with you!
BS 8×2 120#
Row: 4:25
Total time: 15:03
12# WB and 150 singles
8×2 @ 95#
Wod: 17 something
10# wb
Singles! Ugh I couldnt do singles or doubles, lol!
Need to work on my doubles because my body no longer wants to do singles!
Thanks coach for pushing me through!
Tomorrows a new day 🙂 good job 10:30 and sorry for my f bombs ; /
75# stength Went light on my bs… My body isn’t handling the soreness so well right now! Lol
Wod: 4:46 row… Blah
12:47 total wod time 10#wb and du’s
Strength #75 paired up with Jessica 🙂
WOD 14:20 #10 wall ball
150 singles
Great seeing you Natalie! Welcome back!
115# backsquat
Row 5:02
WOD done at 13:33
Did 150 singles not dubs
9:15 am
Baa squats 8×2 EMOM #210
1000 M Row 3:47
13:18 Rx
Very deceiving WOD.
35:22 RX CRUSHED !
100m Row:
1248 RX
315 strength
3:31 row/ 4:03 rx wod
1k row 4:10ish
15#wb du’s 12:40, I think
Strength. 165#
WOD 12:36 or 13:36 RX. So proud to do RX today, hopefully more to come.
Great job today everyone! What an awesome way to start your week!
3×5 #95
Rest 1min
3 rounds
150 singles
Back squats advanced 8×2@72.5% #145
Wall balls#15
DU’s #RX
Wod:4:09/17:09. Need to get dubs!!!!
Bk sq @ 135
Row 4:20, thanks for the push JoJo. Should have gone more all out on the row but I was afraid I’d burn out for the rest of the wod.
Dbl unders, 12lb ball, 15:39 I think.
Strength backsquat #75
1k row 4:23/17:29
#8 ball
150 Single unders
Surprise metcon today.
Front Squats 3×4- 275, 295, 315, 315
Cpls Course PT was 5 mile Pull Up Run. Finished with 120 strict pull ups. I hate that i couldnt go faster on the wod but i accomplished 2 things 1) i didnt redline and 2) i wasnt very winded at the end but that run and pull ups this morning def took its toll on my performance tonight. Good job yall and TJ smashed. Way to bring it.
Strength- advanced @ 205lbs
20lb / 150 singles
BSquat #155 8×2 EMOM
1000m Row 4:11
Rest 1min
20 Wallballs #15
50 Dubz
15:36 RX
#115 backsquat 8×2 EMOM
1000m row- 4:23
Wod : 15#wall ball and 150 single unders
16min flat total
Darn gravel was falling into my eyes doing the wall balls outside! Ugh! Lol :p
Happy bday Maria! I’m glad you spent your birthday at the box!! 😀